Matilda Bay Wedding Fremantle Perth Photography
Matilda Bay Wedding Fremantle Perth Photographer

It was great to be back for the new year, and what a wedding to start with! David and Mali were married in Queens Gardens, in a beautiful ceremony with lots of emotion. 

We then spent some time in the garden with their family and bridal party, such a fun group of people who made sure they enjoyed their time in front of the camera. Spot the photo bomber in there too…on his second wedding for the weekend. 

Fremantle Perth Wedding Photographer

Now, when you have a big veil, later in the afternoon you’ll probably be getting sick of it. But those photos at the COMO Treasury area show why your photographer begs you to leave it in…you won’t regret the photos we can get with them, especially with a breeze coming through! 

Then we were off to Matilda Bay for their wedding reception, and it was a glorious evening with some wonderful heartfelt speeches and some pretty crazy dance moves later in the night. 

Thank you for a wonderful start to 2023!